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Mike's Teaching Philosophy

My teaching philosophy is based on the experience I have gained learning from some of the best and brightest minds in the golf world such as Jim McLean, Charlie KingDr. Rick JensenHenry Brunton, and Will Robins to name a few. I am a big believer in the uniqueness of all golfers and the need to teach the individual rather than having a student conform to a model. I am adamantly against rigid “swing methods,” the countless golf instruction fads that come and go, or learning from an unqualified buddy or spouse. Reaching your true potential in golf is unlikely while following these courses of action.


The system that I have developed and ascribed to is a teaching philosophy that revolves around the proven, universal, and essential skills of golf. My system is a culmination of the most effective ways of improving a golfer’s abilities over the shortest period of time.

My approach to golf instruction is to teach the game using a skills-based system and to coach my students on how to practice effectively. A system, rather than a strict model or method of instruction, allows for the golfer’s individuality to be preserved while fixing their most detrimental flaws. I will start by determining whether or not you possess the essentials skills of golf required

to play your best. If you are lacking in a particular skill set, then that issue will be addressed and repaired prior to moving forward. This simplifies the process and allows the student to focus on the most important issues, which will result in immediate improvement once corrected.

"Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results."

- Albert Einstein

To reach your golfing potential, you must learn how to practice more effectively in order to transfer your newly mastered skills from the practice area to the golf course. By understanding the differences between block and random practice, you will finally be able to take your newly improved game to the course and start to lower your handicap. In order to shoot lower scores you must not only be a good ball striker, you also need a good short game, course management, and the mental toughness to succeed at this difficult game. I am a big believer in the all-around approach to practice in order to see consistent and lasting improvement. Finally, On-Course Coaching Sessions enable me to evaluate progress and see how the student manages club selection, shot selection, and emotions while on the golf course.


I have been around the game all of my life as a teacher and competitive player. I have conducted numerous golf outings, camps, clinics, and I am passionate about working with adults as well as juniors. I have made a serious commitment to never stop learning and expanding my knowledge of this great game. I am passionate about sharing my knowledge and growing the game of golf. Let me coach you through the four stages of golf potential and enable you to reach the top - playing your best!


Please Contact Mike for more information on all of his game improvement opportunities.

Are you confused as to what you are supposed to be practicing?


Do you feel as though you shoot higher scores than you should?


Do people mention that you don’t seem to play to your potential?


If you said yes to any of these questions, then you need to be coached across

The Four Stages of Golf Potential

Stage 1: Skill Acquisition


During Stage 1, the Performance Coach helps the golfer in the following 3 areas.

  • Determine which skills are costing them the most strokes (game assessment)

  • Seek understanding of what they are doing wrong (cause)

  • Identify what needs to be fixed (effect)


There are essential skills that must be learned prior to advancing up the pyramid. These are motor learning skill sets that relate to the full swing and all areas of the short game. If the golfer is lacking in a certain skill set, then that area of the game needs to be addressed. Once these skills are taught to the student, supervised "technique" practice begins. The Performance Coach encourages and provides opportunities for supervised practice - lots of repetition with feedback. During this stage, the player is engaged in practice with the deliberate intention of improving his or her skills. The Performance Golf Coach, unlike most teachers, makes himself available during practice to structure activities and to provide feedback.


Stage 2: Transfer Training


During Stage 2, the Performance Coach assists the player in exposing their golf skills to conditions that stimulate those that they would experience on the golf course under competition. Transfer training creates the opportunity for a player to strive to build a habit that can withstand the pressure and ever-changing conditions that one experiences on the course.


Stage 3: Mental Toughness

During Stage 3, the Performance Coach will assess the player's self-management – an individual’s ability to manage his or her thoughts, emotions, and behavior. While it is often said that "golf is 90% mental," this may or may not be the reason for higher than desired scores. Many times the golfer has not mastered certain skills, and during an assessment the golf coach will determine whether the problem is mental or if the golfer simply needs to re-learn a certain skill set (stage 1). If it has been determined that the golfer's problem is mental, the coach will focus on the following.

  • Ask appropriate questions of the player in order to uncover what is going on “between their ears” while playing and practicing.

  • Pay attention to the on-course and practice behaviors that provide insights into the mental process                being used by a player.

  • Recognize the common signs and symptoms that are indicators of specific mental skill needs


Stage 4: Play


During Stage 4, the Performance Coach helps a golfer better play the game using their existing skills while keeping score on the course. Keeping score and tracking your progress in all aspects of the game is critical. Results must be measurable in order to identify the areas for improvement. Performance Coaches take the time to observe their players playing on the course. The coach can provide additional guidance into the skills of decision-making and self-management, while also making note of ball-control skills that are in need of development.

Reaching your personal golfing potential requires continuous feedback, training and supervised practice, both on and off the course. Performance Coaches help players transfer skills from the range to the course, make correct on-course decisions, and manage their thoughts, their attention, and their emotions under competition.


The Four Stages of Golf Potential are for golfers who are looking for the


most productive way of improving their golf game.



Please Contact Mike and Get Started Today


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